Reduced Risk Status: |
IPM Compatibility: |
Per Requester: Fit Unknown; Unique Attributes: new agronomic practice of double cropping biofuel crops after corn/soybeans will boost sustainability for growers and the biofuel industry.
Reasons for need: |
Weeds/pests listed on current product label will not change. Winter oilseed biofuel crops may be double cropped after corn and soybeans. Current corn/soy herbicide labels do not allow for 4 months plantback to oilseeds. This request is to develop crop rotational data to support reducing plantback window:08/24;
Requesting State(s): |
KY:Wilson, B*, Grogan, B, Kirkland, J ;
PCR Use Pattern: |
Make one application of bicyclopyrone, at labeled rate and traditional timing for corn, and seed winter canola four months later.
EPA Default Residue Trials: |
2 5-2 7-2 11-3
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: |
Residue Protocol Use Pattern: |
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required: |
E/CS Research Comments: |
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA: |
EPA PIF Status: |
EPA Status: |
EPA PRIA Date: |
Comments: |
Key Export Markets: Mexico, Canada, EU; Syngenta requested a (Mfg) HOLD at this time:08/24/sb
International Status: |
Archive Location: |
QA Archive: |