Reduced Risk Status: |
IPM Compatibility: |
Per Requester: Very Good Fit; This product could be used in alternation with M-Pede and Acramite for resistance management.
Reasons for need: |
spider mites. Few products are registered for use on bearing strawberry plants which have become a popular bedding plant for sale to consumers:07/24;
Requesting State(s): |
AL:Andrews, K ; CA:Zaleschuk, C ; MI:Hausbeck, M* ; NC:Meadows, I ; NJ:Jansen, P ; TX:Bertin, J ;
PCR Use Pattern: |
Use Pylon at 6.5-13 fl oz/100 gal as a foliar spray, 3 applications, 5-7 day RTI, 2-day PHI, do not apply more than 39 fl oz/A (0.6 lbs ai) per crop growing cycle. HQ suggests a 0-day PHI as the product can be applied up to and including the day of harvest.
EPA Default Residue Trials: |
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: |
1 2 3 5 10-3 12; 1 DECLINE
Residue Protocol Use Pattern: |
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required: |
E/CS Research Comments: |
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA: |
EPA PIF Status: |
EPA Status: |
EPA PRIA Date: |
Comments: |
Existing PR# 06537 has a different use pattern and was not supported by BASF. BASF gave support of Researchable, Residue & E/CS Data Needed at the 2024 FUW:09/24/sb; BASF supports a 0-day PHI and only requires CS data with at least 3 trials in GH strawberry conducted on prominent market varieties for the GH industry. CS data is needed for CA-DPR registration purposes:09.24/sb;
International Status: |
Archive Location: |
QA Archive: |