Reduced Risk Status: |
IPM Compatibility: |
Per Requester: Good Fit; Glufosinate will be effective in controlling glyphosate-resistant weeds. Glufosinate has little to no soil activity so poses little risk of crop response if applied prior to pennycress planting or emergence. Although glufosinate poses moderate risk to pollinators, at the time of the proposed use there will be few to no flowering plants in agronomic fields. Glufosinate for vegetation burndown will reduce tillage and erosion
Reasons for need: |
early emerging winter annual and late emerging summer annual weeds. interference of established weeds to newly emerging pennycress reduces emergence, stand density, and yield:07/24; MO-Few options exist for control of early emerging winter & late emerging summer annual weeds prior to planting pennycress. interference of established weeds to newly emerging pennycress reduces emergence, stand density, and yield:07/24
Requesting State(s): |
MN:Bernards, M* ; MO:Starke, M ;
PCR Use Pattern: |
Make one application of Liberty, Rely, or Interline at 32 fl oz/a over emerged weeds prior to seeding pennycress.
EPA Default Residue Trials: |
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: |
Residue Protocol Use Pattern: |
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required: |
BASF requires at least 4 Crop Safety trials, see details in E/CS Comments:12/24/sb
E/CS Research Comments: |
BASF requires at least 4 E/CS (only crop safety, no efficacy data is needed) trials in field pennycress in the key commercial growing areas to confirm crop safety from the burndown use pattern at up to 2X rates:12/24/sb
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA: |
EPA PIF Status: |
EPA Status: |
EPA PRIA Date: |
Comments: |
This request is for a preplant burndown application. This request is different from 13149 (pennycress harvest aid + weed control in glufosinate-resistant relay soybean crop). Glufosinate is registered for this use in Gold-Of-Pleasure (Camelina), a crop similar in production and geography to field pennycress, under the Interline (UPL) label:07/24/sb; BASF supports as Researchable, Needs E/CS Data Only and noted no residue data should be needed for this project, assuming a tolerance on pennycress seed can be extrapolated from the established tolerances on rapeseed subgroup 20A stemming from EPA’s HED ChemSAC’s previous decision and standing policy for pennycress:12/24/sb; BASF approved IR-4 including field pennycress to the upcoming Glufosinate submission and Covercress is working directly with BASF on crop safety data. No injury is expected based on preliminary data and data from similar crops. IR-4 will not need to generate performance data. Therefore, the status has been updated from Need E/CS Data Only to Tolerance/Use to be Pursued with No Data Proposal/Petition:01/25/sb
International Status: |
Archive Location: |
QA Archive: |