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PR#PriorityPesticide(MFG)Commodity (Crop Group)Project Status

Reduced Risk Status:
IPM Compatibility: Per Requester: Very Good Fit: Glufosinate-ammonium use will offer a new mode of action for weed control in sugarcane and will aid in resistance management.
Reasons for need: Itchgrass [Rottboellia cochinchinensis (Lour.). Currently, the sugarcane industry is limited to paraquat for non-selective weed control utilizing post-directed/shielded/hooded applications. With concerns about the future of paraquat’s registration status, other herbicide options are needed. Glufosinate-ammonium may also provide benefits in controlling troublesome broadleaf weeds such as divine nightshade [Solanum nigrescens (Mart. & Gal.)], ragweed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), & morningglory (Ipomoea spp.):06/24; FL-Ragweed parthenium is becoming a difficult weed to control & has been documented as having resistance or tolerance to glyphosate. Glufosinate is very effective on broadleaf weeds & would be an important tool"07/24; FL/It will meet our needs for broadleaf weed control & for guineagrass control which is difficult to manage with current sugarcane herbicides in FL. Post-directed application of glufosinate will be an important tool that we currently do not have for guineagrass mgmt:07/24; LA/Itch grass is becoming increasingly hard to manage with preemergent herbicides. A good safe post emergent herbicide is needed to successfully manage this weed. Paraquat has limitations with the biggest one being crop injury:07/24;
Requesting State(s): FL:Clark, B, Baucum, L, Odero, C, ; LA:Finger, A*, Gravois, K, Viator, R ;
PCR Use Pattern: Make one application of Liberty/Rely per year to small weeds as 1) a directed spray, at 29 fl oz/a to row middles and across the lower (12" or less) canes or 2) shielded/hodded to row middles at 29 to 48 fl oz/a. Application shall be at least 75 days before cane harvest.
EPA Default Residue Trials: 3-3 4-3 6 13
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: 3-3 4-2 13; 1 PROCESSING (MOLASSES, REFINED SUGAR)
Residue Protocol Use Pattern:
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required:
E/CS Research Comments:
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA:
EPA PIF Status: ORANGE:08/24
EPA Status:
Comments: No key exports noted. The use pattern requested is for a directed or hooded/shielded placement and is different from PR# 09960; Glufosinate will injure foliage that is contacted. This injury to is both intentional and acceptable. Supporting data shows effectiveness against itchgrass, a weed of particular interest, according to American Sugar Cane League representatives:06/24/sb; LA-we need glufosinate post-directed applications after layby cultivations & FL-Glufosinate will allow broader diversity in chemistries used for weed management in Sugar Cane:07/24/sb; BASF supports as Reseachable, Requires Residue Data only:08/24/sb; EPA HOLD CAUTION:08/24; BASF suggested this chemical be changed from Glufosinate to Glufosinate-P and the PCR requester was in agreement, so the chemical has been updated accordingly:01/25/sb
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Field Research DirectorExpediteTrial DelayField ID#RFCTO QAHQ RECD.Lab ID#Lab RECDLab CompProc. IDProc. ShippedProc. ReportRaw DataS Dir./Auditor
Foster, Matthew P 23-LA-DMP RECD -NONE
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