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PR#PriorityPesticide(MFG)Commodity (Crop Group)Project Status

Reduced Risk Status:
IPM Compatibility: Per Requester: Very Goof Fit; Some fungal pathogens have figured out how to “sneak” past other DMI’s (triazoles) by altering the shape of their binding pockets. Conventional DMIs are rigid & cannot bind as easily to the altered shape of these binding pockets. They fail to control the disease effectively. This shows up in the field as fungicide resistance. Cevya Fungicide from BASF molecular flexibility can overcome these changes in binding pockets, providing strong performance even on some fungicide-resistant or shifted strains. If you have a molecule, like Cevya (mefentrufluconazole) fungicide that has this capability, you can use lower concentrations (i.e. lower EC50 values, higher intrinsic activity) If you have a molecule that has a poorer fit, you need to overload the system to have the same impact. This new fungicide from BASF appears to provide a long residual eff, excellent perf & a favorable environ profile to give growers the flexibility they need to combat the pathogen resistance; VERY GOOD FIT:WSR
Reasons for need: Alternaria leaf spot (ALS); The disease is of growing concern to growers nationwide particularly in the Southwestern US/Coastal CA because of decreasing efficacy of narrow number of chemical fungicides available to control the disease. Furthermore due to the limited available chemistries the risk of pathogen resistance to the limited modes of action is considerably large. The goal of this study shall be to generate efficacy and phytotoxicity data to support the registration of Cevya (mefentrifluconazole) to control ALS:08/23
Requesting State(s): AZ:Hu, J* ; CA:Ratto, Ron, ;
PCR Use Pattern: Apply Cevya at 5 fl oz/A as a foliar spray 3 times every 7 days, PHI = 0 days
EPA Default Residue Trials: 2-2 3 4 5 6 10-2
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: 2-2 3 4 5 6 10-2
Residue Protocol Use Pattern:
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required:
E/CS Research Comments:
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA:
EPA PIF Status:
EPA Status:
Comments: This request is seeking a CA registration:08/23; This project will be a MFG OBJ:08/23; as a result of a mtg with BASF, the status is being updated from Mfg Obj to Use Registered, and registration is pending in CA:05/24/sb
International Status:
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