Reduced Risk Status: |
IPM Compatibility: |
Per Requester: Very Good Fit; Registration would provide a different mode of action that is needed to prevent the development of pathogen resistance. Fungicides can also be used along with cultivar resistance; VERY GOOD FIT: RESISTANCE TO RIDOMIL IS WIDESPREAD AND WELL DOCUMENTED ACROSS THE COUNTRY: NCR; VERY GOOD FIT: SAME: WSR
Reasons for need: |
Phytophtora capsici crown and root rot which is the primary plant symptom. Foliar leaf and fruit rot is rarely observed;This request is for a soil-application through drip irrigation. The current labeled use pattern does not support this. Given the other Phytophthora products that have a soil application use have very limited applications, additional actives are needed to protect the plant for the growing season. Research data indicate that soil application to pepper vs. a foliar application is most effective:07/23
Requesting State(s): |
CA:Van Sickle, G ; MI:Hausbeck, M* ; NM:Robbins, C ;
PCR Use Pattern: |
Apply through drip irrigation at 8 fl. oz/A, 7-14 day RTI; PHI: 0 day
EPA Default Residue Trials: |
BELL: 2-2 3-2 5 6 10-2; NON: 2/3/5 8 9 10
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: |
BELL: 2-2 3-2 5 6 10-2; NON: 2/3/5 8 9 10
Residue Protocol Use Pattern: |
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required: |
E/CS Research Comments: |
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA: |
EPA PIF Status: |
EPA Status: |
EPA PRIA Date: |
Comments: |
This is not considered the same as PR# 09542. Current labeled use pattern for Revus: Rate: 8 fl. oz/A; Ground, chemigation or aerial application; RTI: Alternate Revus with other fungicide on a 7-14 day; PHI: 1 day; Limitations: Maximum 32 fl. oz/A/year. This new request is to apply through drip irrigation; Mfg will Not Support:09/23
International Status: |
Archive Location: |
QA Archive: |