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IS00437APOMEGRANATE (24B = TROPICAL AND SUBTROPICAL, MEDIUM TO LARGE FRUIT, SMOOTH, INEDIBLE PEEL SUBGROUP)Mite, Citrus Flat (Brevipalpus lewisi)Research OngoingEntomologyField Only
Problem Code: PPWS
Requesting State(s): Wilkins,Erik (CA)
Potential Products: Envidor 2 SC; Stifle
Reason for Need - Comments: Currently one AI registered for control. Rotational products are registered but not yet studied in pomegranates

Trial Detail   ( Records counts: 2 )
Trial NumberTrial YearTrial StateInstitutionCoordinatorResearcherProtocolReportData To MFGPerformance Results and Comments
IS00437-23-CA182023CAUniversity of CaliforniaAlice AxtellDavid Haviland IS00437-23 Yes 05/2024

An infestation of citrus flat mites on pomegranate was significantly reduced by one foliar application of all the following treatments:

Envidor 2SC (spirodiclofen) at 30 fl oz/A, Onager (hexythiazox) at 24 fl oz/A, Zeal WDG (etoxazole) at 3 oz/A, and the commercial standard Microthiol Disperss (Sulfur) at 10 fl oz/A. The best performing product was Envidor. The efficacy became evident at 6WAT and continued until the end of the trial at 13WAT.

IS00437-23-CA192023CAUniversity of CaliforniaAlice AxtellDavid Haviland IS00437-23 Yes 05/2024

An infestation of citrus flat mites on pomegranate was significantly reduced by one foliar application of all the following treatments:

Envidor 2SC (spirodiclofen) at 30 fl oz/A, Onager (hexythiazox) at 24 fl oz/A, Zeal WDG (etoxazole) at 3 oz/A, and the commercial standard Microthiol Disperss (Sulfur) at 10 fl oz/A. The best performing product was Envidor. The efficacy became evident at 6WAT and continued until the end of the trial at 13WAT.

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