Reduced Risk Status: |
IPM Compatibility: |
Per requester: Good Fit; It has the potential to be combined with bagging banana practices:06/23; GOOD FIT: SEE PREVIOUS COMMENT.: SOR;
Reasons for need: |
Thrips; Feeding damage of this insect discolored the banana peel producing a reddish appearance:06/23;
Requesting State(s): |
PR:Robles, W* ;
PCR Use Pattern: |
Apply twice as a foliar spray at 60 g ai/ha; RTI: 30 days and PHI: 14 days
EPA Default Residue Trials: |
3 13-4
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan: |
3 13-4
Residue Protocol Use Pattern: |
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required: |
E/CS Research Comments: |
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA: |
EPA PIF Status: |
Blue: 08/23
EPA Status: |
EPA PRIA Date: |
Comments: |
Syngenta supports request as Potential: E/CS Data Before approval for Residue:07/23/sb; the specific target species is the Banana rust thrips- Chaetanaphothrips signipennis:06/24/sb;
International Status: |
Archive Location: |
QA Archive: |