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PR#PriorityPesticide(MFG)Commodity (Crop Group)Project Status

Reduced Risk Status:
IPM Compatibility: Per Requester: Very Good Fit; Useful for controlling weeds with known resistance to diuron, glyphosate and paraquat. Low use rate herbicide as compared to glyphosate and glufosinate. Low risk of off-target movement due low vapor pressure. No PPO herbicide cureently labeled for POST weed control in highbush blueberry. Because of POST grass control, Epiryfenacil will provide an alternative to Group I herbicides
Reasons for need: Annual grasses and broadleaf weeds, including bluegrass, horseweed, common lambsquarters, morningglory, Virginia pepperweed, common ragweed.Annual bluegrass (diuron and glyphosate resistant), horseweed (glyphosate and paraquat resistant), limited non-selective postemergence herbicides available for use in blueberry to replace paraquat, or complement the use of glufosinate; glufosinate and glyphosate may cause severe crop injury, especially to new canes required for maintaining crop yield potential:08/24/sb; NY-low dose herbicide to replace paraquat (worker safety concern):08/24/sb;
Requesting State(s): NC:Jennings, K ; NJ:Besancon, T* ; NY:Sosnoskie, L ; OH:Robinson, A ; OR:Moretti, M ;
PCR Use Pattern: Make 3 applications of Rapidicil at 5 fl oz/a plus adjuvant per year, 30 days apart, with the last application at least 14 days prior to harvest. Applications will be made along both sides and across the base of the crop. Do not allow spray to contact green stems, foliage, flowers or fruit. Valent supports a max of 2 applications with a 30 day retreatment interval during dormant and prior to bud break. Maximum annual use of 10 fl oz/A. Target use rate of 5 fl oz/A with a maximum per application use rate of 10 fl oz/A. Labeling will require tank mixture with another burndown herbicide for resistance management/product stewardship:08/24
EPA Default Residue Trials: 1 2-3 5-3 12
IR-4 Residue Trial Plan:
Residue Protocol Use Pattern:
Efficacy/Crop Safety (E/CS) Data Required:
E/CS Research Comments:
Label Use Pattern Submitted To EPA:
EPA PIF Status:
EPA Status:
Comments: Key Exports: likely in Europe & Canada. Email from registrant indicated concern with systemic movement if suckers or other green tissue is exposed to spray. Early input from the registrant indicated only dormant uses in perennial crops:08/24/sb; Valent supports as Potential: E/CS Data Before Approval for Residue with use pattern noted:08/24/sb;
International Status:
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QA Archive:

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