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Prnum: 11693   Chemical/Commodity: TRIFLOXYSTROBIN + FLUOPYRAM / POMEGRANATE
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WSR Historical Need: Black heart/Alternaria rot/rot of fruit : Only two compounds are registered with questionable efficacy against black heart of pomegranate

JA (UCR) The pomegranate request for Luna Sensation is not a high priority. Polyoxin-D was registered and field tests are being done by Paramount to see if the disease can be lowered by flower applications. Alternaria rot essentially contaminates the flower and decay develops inside the fruit during the growing season. It is a very difficult disease to control with fungicides due to a protracted bloom over several months and flower anatomy. I suggest a wait and see for another year. (RS 6/8/15)

EW (WO/CA) At this point, we would demote PR11693 (Luna Sensation) to “C”, make PR11020 (Luna Experience) the “A” priority, and keep our fingers crossed that EPA and Bayer don’t have a war over the risk cup. If that happens, we will have to create a new PR for a different AI – probably fluxapyroxad + pyraclostrobin in BASF’s Merivon. (RS 8/5/15)
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