Priority Setting Tool

Prnum: 09301   Chemical/Commodity: TRIFLUMIZOLE / PEPPER (BELL & NONBELL) (GH)
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RegionNameCommentsDate Entered
WSR Historical DS Houweling's Hot House supports this project (RS 6/25/10) requested WR "A" priority (RS 6/28/10)

DS (HHH/CA) PM WR " B" (RS 8/9/10)

MC (NM) Powdery mildew control is critical for NM chile peppers in field use (RS 6/15/11)

WR "A/B" for chile pepper in field (RS 7/15/11)

PST CC MC (NM) withdraws NM interest (RS 6/12/12)

PST CC DS (CA/UT) GHG "B" (RS 6/4/14

DS (CA, UT) me too (RS 6/20/14)

GH group priority "A3" (RS 6/10/16)

GH group list "A3" (RS 7/27/17)
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